Monday, December 1, 2008

Who's really selling you?

I may be the only person in the history of the internet who has ads on their site who will say: Don't click on Ads. What's more valuable than your time and your money? Nothing. So save yourself the time of clicking on ads to be brought to useless products that you don't need that will waste your money. I myself never click on ads (okay never may be too strong a word, I think I've clicked on maybe four or so ads my entire life - but only because those ads really appealed to what I wanted in the moment). But in general most ads are just false promises of what you need - that's why they're ads, right? It's just like when you see an ad on TV you don't just go out and buy whatever they're advertising unless you really actually want it.

So why are there so many ads on the internet? On every single person's blog and website?

You may think you're helping out the person who has the ad on their site, well ya they may make like 10 cents off of you clicking on the ad, but in reality who are you helping out - the major corporations who have more money than they know what to do with! And they're using the "little people" to sell their stuff for them! It's like Walmart only hiring part-time employees so they don't have to pay benefits to their employees.

Just because people are willing to put an ad on their page to hopefully make 10 cents by you clicking on it doesn't mean you have to click on it. It makes me think of people coming to your front door to sell stuff. If it's a grown man you "slam" the door in his face...but if it's a kid with dimples hocking cookies for $15 a pop (yes, I'm not making up this ridiculous price!) the odds of you buying goes up instead of down - even though you would never plop down $15 for cookies at the grocery store in a million years!

So they're using us to get you to buy their stuff. Don't fall for it. Like I've said before if someone's selling information online you probably can get it elsewhere for free. Do your homework - put in the effort and you can find that information for free.

That's why I created this blog, so people wouldn't have to search so hard, they could come to one place and find what they need for free.

So ads are basically shoved in everyone's face because some people are too lazy to do their homework and are willing to buy things on impulse.

And why is no one talking about how obnoxious ads have become? Why - because the people who are "talking" are the ones who want people to click on the ads so they can make 10 cents! For too long I've had ads within ads popping up and blocking my screens and driving me insane! I do not endorse those type of ads. Ads that block the page you're viewing are going way too far! You have to find that stupid X to close it. And then there's talking ads!

How many people had to learn the hard way to mute their computer speakers while browsing online at work? lol Has your boss gotten a little suspicious when he walks by your desk and hears:

Whatever happened to people just writing blogs for fun - just sharing information? Now everyone is so self-conscious about "silently" promoting affiliate programs that they don't speak up about what matters any more! Instead they tailor their blogs to promote those ads without breaking the rules of "selling the ad."

We live in a country where we are allowed the privilege of free speech! So exercise yours. conscious of the "clicks" you make.

I know this posting is going to piss a lot of people off - especially the people being used by the Conglomerates and it might even get me banned from Google's Adsense - but you know what? I couldn't care less because I think Freedom of Speech is worth more than 10 cents.

So if you want to avoid the pitfall of becoming guinea pigs or trained monkeys - just don't play their game. Simply lift yourself out of the mindset that you need to "promote" or "buy" in order to get what you want online.

Yours Truly,
CB Webmaster

Proud Owner of Chatblog - where "free means free"

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