Saturday, November 29, 2008

Free Information Comes to You!

Your local library - in a search engine type in the name of your local library - they may have a website that allows you to search their collection of books, audio books, movies, etc. All you need is a library card!

What's even better - if your library allows interlibrary loans you have virtually access to an unlimited number of books, cds, and dvds to view for free! You make your requests online for the interlibrary loans and they will mail the materials to your branch where you can pick it up! To see what titles are available do a search here:

Here's a tip: if you don't know a title of books, cds, or movies you're interested in just go to type in a few key words/or browse their topics - you can look at the books and cd descriptions and read reviews for free and then if you like it you can search the interlibrary site and see if they have it available!

I did this when I was looking for a book on sauce recipes. I couldn't afford to buy it and my local library branch did not carry it - I applied online and very soon got to borrow the book for free through the interlibrary loan!

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